Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Who's for the Increased Commodification of Healthcare? Not "That One!"

I'm not even going to touch the murky yet tangible implications of Senator McCain's reference to Senator Obama as "that one" in last night's Presidential debate, but I will offer up this little gem that audience member Lindsey Trella presented regarding the commodification of healthcare:

I don't take any measures to conceal my pretty ardent disdain for the soiled bed where the American government and big business (i.e. big insurance companies) hold congress. It gives me acid stomach and I tell you all the time. This I know. But I still want to point out that this topic is as relevant to feminists (not to mention young people at large) as ever. Economic crisis = increased healthcare-as-commodity costs = disproportionate burden on those in this country already at a disadvantage (many if not most of those being women). And that's putting it mildly, with an estimated 43 million Americans already without health insurance in 2007. SO though I don't claim perfection or innocence from either camp because, let's face it -- I'm about as cynical as any defector from capitalist ideology, I think it's pretty effing obvious which of the two mattresses has the most stains. Just a thought. I'm also not so naive as to think that the debates are accurate gauges of ANY candidate's policies. However, I think they are good jumping-off points into really evaluating the issues. And what better time to get informed than less than a month away from the election? Hmmm...

So watch the clip. Maybe think about it a little bit. And then mosey on over to the place that does the homework for you:

And in case you don't feel like navigating their site to find your way to each candidate's info, I'll go ahead and give you that too:

Full List of Presidential Candidates for South Carolina Voters

Senator Barack Obama
Senator John McCain



Sarah said...

The debate was ridiculous! The whole "Well if he gets a follow-up then I get a follow-up too!" had me ready to pack my bags and head on to Canada.

I want to reply to this, but it'll end up being an entire blog post on its own... I'll write it and get back to you on that.

Unknown said...

Health insurance should be a right. I'd rather have a system in place that manages people's needs, than just doling out $5,000.00. I'm not sure everyone would be knowledgeable or responsible enough to know where to go with that money.

Nölff said...

OMG you a blogger too?
We can be blogger friends and leave comments on each other blogs.

Y'know? some people automatically damn everything that is socialized. I think those people shouldn't send their children to school drive on our roads. I'm talking about Republicans. Boooooo